Genuine Kia SPORTAGE Remote Key Blade (81996-F6500)
Kia Part Number: 81996F6500
Key Cutting Information
We can supply most keys cut to the vehicles identification number. Where there is not a possibility we can cut a key to the manufacturers key number or a clear picture of key.
Keys cut to VIN
Simply add the VIN (chassis / frame number) to the box above the add to basket button.
Keys cut to code
Please add the key number in the exact format you get it in from the service portal.
Keys cut to a picture
For keys cut to a picture, Please upload a picture of the key. The blade should ideally be on a white background with the end of the blade facing towards the right. The picture should not be blurred and the cuts of the key should be easily identifiable
It is the dealer / repairers obligation to check proof of entitlement prior to ordering and keep the appropriate records as detailed in the manufacturers service portal, or for independents, the conditions lay out by SERMI. We will not be held responsible for any loss, liability or misuse of the products supplied.